Sunday, February 28, 2010

Adding Color Pop to your Reception

Color is a key component to creating your wedding style. The two most common questions you answer when people learn you’re getting married? Where are you holding the reception and what are your colors. But, being a bride you’re always happy to talk about your wedding, you probably don’t mind…

Get your colors working for you! (even if you are doing all white or ivory)

Chair covers can transform a room very quickly. There are a variety of styles and colors to choose from. Be daring, instead of doing a white or ivory chair cover tied with a sash in your color, do the chair cover in your color. It will make your room come to life. ($5.50-$7.00 per chair)

Colored glassware is another way to add pop to your table. Use one colored glass co-mingled with the stemware provided by the venue. ($2.00-$3.00 per glass)

Ambient room lighting is an affordable way to add color to the space. The color of the walls disappears and the room glows with soft lighting. Enhance architectural features with lighting. ($200-$500 per ballroom)

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