Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sometimes the Guest Book Gets The Shaft

Let's face it, sometimes the guest book gets the shaft. Mom reminds you the week before the wedding that you have to have one or the world will end, so you run out and get your hands on anything that will fit the bill. The guest book has become an after thought. But once upon a time, it was more than ettiquette, it was a way to recall who was present at the reception and have the current address of the guest so thank you notes could be sent appropriately. The information age has given us the resources we need to eliminate the purpose of the traditional guestbook, an item the bride and groom never dig back out after their wedding. While brides still like to have a record of their guests, the focus has shifted to personal. Take personal and run with it- the possibilities are endless!

Christine Walker has a delightful new concept on customized, handmade guest books... Concepcioun!

You can be as creative as you'd like! Anything from art, glass bowls, picture frames, scrapbooks and more! Here a couple used plexiglass colored squares and and a homemade wire holder to diaplay guests' well wishes long after the day had faded. Come in this Saturday and learn about all the ways you can make your guest book stylish, practicle and special.

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